In December, the first meeting of the Female Leaders Program was held via Zoom. After a brief introduction, we discussed the personal decision to join such a program during these challenging times. The session then featured a conversation with Tehila Wenger, the Deputy Director of the Geneva Initiative, who introduced the organization, its activities and goals, and answered questions about strategy and ideology in an open conversation.
The participants in the program come from a variety of fields, including business, academia, philanthropy, and law, representing a wide range of backgrounds. This diverse group holds significant potential for making a meaningful impact in the field of policy and beyond.
The group met in person on December 22nd, where Gadi Baltiansky, President of the Geneva Initiative, provided an overview of the core principles of the Initiative, the Two-State Solution, and the challenges involved in achieving it. Following this, the participants had the opportunity to meet with a peace activist from East Jerusalem. Her powerful stories deeply moved the audience and highlighted the importance of fostering inclusive human dialogue as a crucial element in the peace process.