Advocacy Meeting With Members of Ra’am

  • 20/09/2023
  • Kfar Qasim

Advocacy Meeting With Members of Ra’am

Following a successful meeting with members of Ra’am, MK Mansour Abbas and MK Iman Khatib-Yasin in August, we organised a follow-up advocacy meeting for the youth activists of the party. Israeli attorney, Talia Sasson, led an open discussion about the connection between the judicial overhaul and the prospects of  reaching a political agreement between Israel and Palestine. This was followed by a conversation led by Prof. Rassem Khamaisi on the relationship between Israeli policy and the daily lives of Palestinian citizens of Israel, the Israeli-Palestinian political process, and Jewish-Arab partnership. In a dynamic discussion, participants spoke about the need for reconciliation and partnership as well as the value of the active participation of Palestinian citizens of Israel in the political sphere.

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