Engaging the Next Generation of Leaders: Reconciliation Workshops

  • 26/04/2022
  • Tel Aviv

Engaging the Next Generation of Leaders: Reconciliation Workshops

On April 26 and May 11, we opened two new cycles in the Young Leadership Reconciliation and Negotiations Projects. Leading young men and women, from all backgrounds from all over Israel, joined us to learn more about the conflict, to hear from the other side and to receive tools that will empower them to create a different reality. In both meetings, the groups of young leaders met with leading Israeli and Palestinian experts, analysts and civil society leaders. We learned about the principles of reconciliation through understanding and openness towards the narrative of the other party, gained insights into the core grievances of both sides and the issues that sit at the heart of the political impasse.

This is the first meeting, and in the upcoming activities the participants will embark on field trips and in-depth dialogue meetings with young Palestinians from the West Bank.

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