On December 20th, participants of the Female Leaders Program embarked on a geopolitical tour of Jerusalem. The group included leaders from various women’s and mothers’ organizations, such as “Ima Era,” “Imahot Bahazit,” “Women Wage Peace,” and “Mothers’ Cry.” A senior researcher specializing in national security and gender, provided an in-depth overview of the causes of conflict worldwide, with a particular focus on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She emphasized the crucial role that women play in peace processes and security, highlighting their unique contributions to fostering dialogue and resolution in conflict zones.
Later, the group was guided by Batia Rozen-Goldberg on a tour that highlighted the complexities of Palestinian life in East Jerusalem. The tour provided participants with a deeper understanding of the social, economic, and political realities faced by Palestinians in the area.
The day concluded with a visit to Ahmed Muna’s Educational Bookshop, where the group met with a local Palestinian businesswoman and peace activist, who shared her personal story and underscored her commitment to promoting peace, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and dialogue in achieving long-term solutions.
The participants expressed their strong support for the peace efforts, and their commitment to sharing the information with their respective communities. They emphasized their intention to use what they learned to foster greater understanding, promote dialogue, and contribute to peacebuilding efforts within their networks.