Launch: New Women & Reconciliation Project

  • 19/03/2021
  • Tel Aviv

Launch: New Women & Reconciliation Project

On the 19th March we launched our new women and reconciliation project which took place in-person after months of virtual meetings!

Brigadier Gen. Israela Oron presented the core issues of the conflict, the history of negotiations and the psychological barriers to resolution that exist on both sides. Followed by Adv. Talia Sasson who introduced the group to the GI’s Dealing with the Past model for reconciliation and women’s indispensable role in promoting a resolution to the conflict. A lively and dynamic discussion ensued about ways to promote the two-state solution. Following the meeting, one participant Chen Liberman (journalist) published an article in Haaretz about the need to talk about the occupation in Israeli society.

There were 15 participants from diverse professional backgrounds including those that work in media, politics, academia, business, social services and civil society, as well as representatives from the Arab-Israeli, Druze and Ethiopian community.

This is the first in a series of sessions that will educate and train leading women on reconciliation and transitional justice, and facilitate meetings with their Palestinian counterparts.

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