Meetings for Youth: Jordan Valley, Hebron & Ramallah

  • 04/08/2020
  • West Bank

Meetings for Youth: Jordan Valley, Hebron & Ramallah

In August month our partners at the Palestinian Peace Coalition held a series of political leadership workshops for young leaders in various towns and villages across the West Bank. On August 16th, the PPC’s Director Nidal Foqaha addressed 30 activists on the issue of reconciliation and on how to engage broader audiences in promoting the two-state solution. On August 20th, the PPC convened a group of young Palestinian women in Hebron to answer their pressing questions about the ongoing social, political and economic reality that has impacted Palestinian youth prospects for the future. It was an opportunity to highlight the need for meaningful youth engagement and participation in the political process. On the 24th August, a workshop was held in the village of Aqaba in the Jordan Valley with a group of young leaders to explore ways to create tangible change in light of the challenges.

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