Panel on the Consequences of Annexation

  • 03/05/2020
  • Tel Aviv

Panel on the Consequences of Annexation

May 3: During an online panel about the consequences of annexation, Geneva Initiative expert Adv. Talia Sasson stated: “Annexation of territory in the West Bank would overrule the partition plan and revoke, de jure, the Palestinian people’s right to their own state, an issue upon which there is international consensus.” Former Palestinian minister Ashraf Al-Ajrami added that the PA could likely break down completely, leading Palestinians to turn “to a one-state solution, which is very popular among Palestinian youth.” Brigadier General (ret.) and conflict expert Dr. Shaul Arieli shared the security perspective on annexation, explaining the risks to Israelis posed by the potential collapse of security coordination with the Palestinians and the peace agreements with neighboring countries.

200 Israelis joined us to hear about what annexation in the West Bank will lead to from the heads of our Israeli and Palestinian Initiatives.
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