Two-day Seminar for Political Activists and Journalists

  • 22/06/2023
  • Jerusalem

Two-day Seminar for Political Activists and Journalists

On June 22-23rd, we held a two-day seminar for Israeli journalists and political activists, many of whom are leaders within the pro-democracy protest movement. The first day of the seminar consisted of a series of lectures and workshops led by expert Israeli and Palestinian guest speakers, who discussed peace negotiations, the connection between democracy and peace, demographics, and Jerusalem. On the second day, the group went on a tour of East Jerusalem and visited historical sites such as the Old City, and sites of tension. In the final activity of the seminar, the group met young Palestinian East Jerusalemites and gained a deeper understanding of how the conflict impacts the Palestinian residents of the city. The group left with new knowledge of the historical, cultural, and political importance of the city, and greater understanding of the urgent need for a solution to the conflict.

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