Young women of the Democrats Party Meet for a Two-Day Seminar

  • 13/12/2024
  • Jerusalem

Young women of the Democrats Party Meet for a Two-Day Seminar

The Geneva Initiative hosted a weekend seminar for young women from the Democrats Party on December 13th-14th, where they engaged in discussions about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and potential pathways to resolution. During the seminar, participants had the opportunity to meet with Eran Ezion, a senior member of the Foreign Ministry and former Vice President of the National Security Council. He shared insights on the steps taken by international bodies to address the conflict, often without Israel’s involvement, and cautioned about a shift in the international landscape from support of the Two-State Solution to the One-State Solution.

Next, Israela Oron, former Vice President of the National Security Council, discussed the core issues of the conflict and explored potential solutions proposed by the Geneva Initiative.

Neomi Steinberg of the Geneva Initiative then spoke about the gender dimensions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She pointed out that while the Arab delegations that signed the Abraham Accords with Israel included women, the Israeli delegation consisted entirely of men.

The seminar concluded with a meeting with a former Palestinian Authority minister and Gaza resident, who shared his personal story with the group. He emphasized the urgent need for renewed peace negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians.

The following day, the participants took part in a guided tour of East Jerusalem, where they explored one of the core issues of the conflict, delving into the city’s historical, geographical, and demographic complexities, as well as the roadblocks to peace. The tour concluded at the Educational Book Shop in East Jerusalem, where the group met with Ahmed Muna, the co-owner of the bookstore. Muna shared his personal story and his vision for a One-State Solution, should the Two-State Solution fail. He noted that the One-State Solution is gaining traction among Palestinians, especially among young people who have lost faith in Israel’s willingness to pursue peace with the Palestinians.


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