22 Palestinian and Israeli orgs call upon the international community to oppose annexation

Palestinian and Israeli members of the Two-State Solution Coalition sent a letter on Tuesday to the United Nations, European Union countries, the EU Commission in Brussels, the Office of the EU’s Special Representative in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, to the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister as well as to the Swiss and Chinese Foreign Ministries, urging them to prevent Israel from annexing any portions of the West Bank, and to help bring the parties back to the negotiating table.

The appeal came amid leaked reports suggesting that the joint US-Israeli mapping committee was making progress on the implementation of President Trump’s Plan that was set to include annexation of settlements, areas of the Jordan Valley and parts of Jerusalem.

“The world must act now, before it is too late” said Gadi Baltiansky, Director of the Israeli branch of the Geneva Initiative.

“Extremist elements in the American and Israeli administrations will open a window of annexation in the coming months, and this constitutes a real threat to the possibility of reaching a future political solution on the basis of two states,” he continued.

He added that, “friends of the Palestinians, Israel, and peace supporters around the world must take serious actions to prevent annexation and steps to resume a genuine peace process.”

The Two-State Solution Coalition comprises of 22 Palestinian and Israeli civil society organizations engaged in collective action to advance the implementation of the two-state solution through a process of real negotiation between the two parties.

Nidal Foqaha, Director of the Palestinian branch of the Geneva Initiative, said that the statement aims to amplify the voices of the Palestinian and Israeli people who reject annexation and demand a two-state solution.

“While the whole world is focusing on combating COVID-19, experts from Israel and the United States continue to participate in mapping areas in the West Bank to be annexed in the coming months” the TSC statement said.

Foqaha added, “We strongly warn against any moves towards unilateral annexation of parts of the West Bank, including in the Jordan Valley and E1 area.”

Translation based on original article published in Al-Quds Newspaper on 14th April 2020


Full Statement from the Two-State Coalition

We, a group of Israeli and Palestinian civil society organizations* reaffirm our steadfast and unwavering commitment to the two-state solution as the only viable and realistic solution to end the conflict between our peoples. While we readily acknowledged that the American proposal brings discussion on the two-state solution back to the forefront of the public debate, we firmly believe that unilateral annexation of any parts of the West Bank by Israel will sabotage the Middle East Peace Process, and may unfortunately also open doors for violence in an already turbulent region.

While the whole world is focused on the fight against COVID-19, experts from Israel and the US continue to engage in mapping work to delineate areas in the West Bank to be annexed in the coming months. Such maps are solely based on the recent US Proposal which abandons the 1967 lines as a basis for the borders between Israel and the emerging Palestinian state.

We strongly caution against any moves towards unilateral annexation of parts of the West Bank, including in the Jordan Valley and E1 area. Such a move runs contrary to the basic principles of the MEPP, and seriously endangers the future realisation of a two-state solution. We call upon your esteemed office/country to act to prevent such a move, and to urge the two sides to engage in serious talks towards reaching a negotiated settlement for the Palestinian – Israeli conflict, instead of the advancement towards unilateral and dangerous measures.

Click here to read more about the Two-State Coalition.

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