DC committed to two-state solution, US National Security Advisor tells Israeli officials and Abbas

White House Briefing, December 22, 2021.

During a visit to the region on 21st-22nd December, US National Security Adviser Sullivan affirmed the US’ commitment to the two-state solution in meetings with Israeli officials and PA President Abbas.

Alongside discussion on the issue of Iran, developments related to the Abraham Accords and strengthening US-Israel bilateral ties, the US State Department readout following the meeting said:

“The two sides also exchanged perspectives on the current situation in the West Bank and Gaza and discussed steps to strengthen the Palestinian Authority and improve the lives of the Palestinians.  Mr. Sullivan stressed the need to avoid steps that can inflame tensions on the ground and encouraged efforts to promote calm and advance towards the goal of a two-state solution.”

Regarding Sullivan’s meeting in Ramallah with Abbas, the statement said:

“In Ramallah, Mr. Sullivan met with Palestinian Authority President Abbas to highlight the U.S. administration’s interest in strengthening engagement with the Palestinian Authority and deepening ties with the Palestinian people.  They discussed the steps the U.S. administration has taken this year to benefit the Palestinians, including the resumption of significant levels of economic and development assistance and contributions to UNRWA.  Mr. Sullivan reaffirmed President Biden’s commitment to achieving a two-state solution and discussed the importance of actions to build trust, enhance stability and security, and foster a more hopeful vision for the future.

Full statement can be read here.

Photo credit: Palestinian President Office (PPO)/Handout via Reuters
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