The Two-State Coalition Welcomes Recent Move for Recognition of Palestine

The Two States Coalition “TSC”, a network of 30 Palestinian and Israeli civil society organizations, welcomes the decision by Spain, Norway and Ireland to officially recognize the State of Palestine and considers this to be a step towards the realization of the two-state solution. While ultimately, lasting peace can only be achieved through direct negotiations between the parties themselves, international partners can bring us closer to a viable political process through clear support for a two-state solution, in word and action. Recognition of Palestine as a state should contribute to bringing us closer to the goal of establishing a Palestinian state living in peace and security within agreed upon borders side by side with the state of Israel.
The TSC believes that diplomatic initiatives like recognition can also counteract extreme forces on both sides. Hence, we call upon more countries to follow this path, while importantly continuing to push for a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire deal that ensures return of abductees, and creates the opportunity for a bilateral and regional negotiation process, leading to the realization of the TSC’s goal of ending the conflict by reaching the only viable solution: two states for two peoples.
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