The Palestinian Peace Coalition and H.L. Education for Peace, jointly known as the Geneva Initiative, launched the Two State Solution Coalition in April 2018, with generous support from the European Commission within the framework of the EU Peacebuilding Initiative. The coalition brings together more than twenty influential Palestinian and Israeli civil society organizations that support and promote the two-state solution.
The coalition advances conditions for a negotiated settlement of the conflict by consolidating the efforts of peace-oriented civil-society organizations (CSOs) towards maintaining the viability of the two-state solution. To this effect, we aim to strengthen the voice, capacity, advocacy and policy-shaping efforts of Israeli and Palestinian peace-oriented CSOs at a cross-border level. Coalition goals include capacity building, information sharing, and coordinating efforts to enhance the role of Palestinian and Israeli CSOs in advocating for peaceful resolution of the conflict, both at local and international levels.
The coalition is based on a simple principle: We are stronger together.
Palestinian Members:
ACT for Alternative Dispute Resolution and Studies: ACT is a Palestinian non-governmental organization based in Jerusalem, registered with the Palestinian Ministry of Interior. As a leading institution in the field of mediation and arbitration, ACT is committed to fostering a culture of dialogue, civil peace, and constructive conflict resolution. Its work is rooted in the conviction that sustainable peace can only be achieved through mechanisms that prioritize negotiation over confrontation, mediation over coercion, and understanding over exclusion. At the core of ACT’s mission is the advancement of alternative dispute resolution as a fundamental pillar of social cohesion and governance. The organization seeks to establish frameworks that enable both individual and collective disputes to be addressed through structured mediation and arbitration, ensuring the peaceful resolution of conflicts that might otherwise escalate into cycles of violence. In pursuit of this goal, ACT operates with a rigorous commitment to integrity, impartiality, and professional excellence, guided by principles of justice, transparency, and national belonging. ACT’s strategic vision for the period 2024-2027 is shaped by an acute awareness of the sociopolitical realities that define the Palestinian landscape. The organization has articulated a multifaceted approach that strengthens mechanisms for addressing individual disputes, facilitates dialogue to manage complex collective conflicts, generates and disseminates knowledge on conflict resolution and human security, and enhances institutional structures to ensure professional and effective service delivery. Within this framework, ACT places significant emphasis on developing centers for mediation and arbitration, capacitating professionals in the field, engaging in policy development to reinforce ADR methodologies, and integrating peacebuilding education into academic and community settings.
Horizon Center for Political Studies and Media Outreach: The Horizon Center is an independent strategic studies and media outreach organization dedicated to promoting peace, security, stability, economic prosperity, and human rights, including minority civic rights, for the Palestinian people. With insightful political reporting and analysis and periodic dialogue sessions, Horizon fosters thoughtful debate on a wide range of policy issues affecting Palestinian society. Horizon works to expand channels of dialogue between international stakeholders, including diplomats, journalists, and academics, and Palestinian officials, academics, journalists, grassroots organizations, and minority communities. Horizon promotes co-existence, mutual recognition, and respect between Palestinians, minority groups, and other international players in the region and beyond. The organization’s experience in human rights and minority civic rights further underscores its commitment to fostering inclusivity, equity, and social justice within Palestinian society. Our Vision we seek to promote a peaceful resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and to promote transparent and efficient Palestinian governance, by bridging gaps in understanding -both by offering opportunities for direct dialogue between Palestinian and international policy makers, academics and civil society activists; and by providing unbiased, timely and accurate reports on breaking political, economic and security news.
ECF is an Israeli policy planning think-tank dedicated to achieving the two-state solution; to promote peace, security and prosperity for Israel and its Arab neighbors and to promote Middle East regional stability. ECF operates on three levels of policy planning: 1) working for a comprehensive Israeli-Arab peace 2) preventing escalation of violence and creating conditions for sustainable stability 3) working in support of Palestinian state-building.
PeaceWorks Foundation (PWF): PeaceWorks promotes lasting peace for Israelis and Palestinians by engaging with the entire ecosystem of peacemaking. PeaceWorks look at frameworks for real progress, identify and amplify essential efforts, and attract more funders by providing clear direction. Peaceworks is committed to a just and lasting two-state solution that respects the security and rights of both Israelis and Palestinians and opposes all forms of terror and violence. The organization condemns continued occupation and settlement expansion, and push for equal civil, political, and economic rights as key steps to peace.
This event/ publication was provided with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Geneva Initiative and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.